· An error message or window appears and you want to save it or email it
· You are about to edit an image, but you want to capture it first to remember the original version
· You are surfing the web and come across a cool image
· You want to create a file containing many screens or images you have encountered
Windows, Macs, and your smart devices all have built-in capabilities for capturing some or all of the screen you see on your device. Unless otherwise noted, the captured screen is stored in your clipboard, from where it can then be pasted into a either a file or image editing program or email message. Here is how it is done:
Windows Systems
· Press the PrtScn key to capture the entire screen and copy it to your clipboard.
· Hold down the Alt key and then press the PrtScn key to only copy the active windows to the clipboard.
· On Windows 8, if you hold down the Windows key and then press the PrtScn key, the entire screen will be stored in a file in the Screenshots folder which is in your Pictures folder.
Mac Systems
· Hold down the Command key and the Shift key and then press the 3 key to capture the entire screen and have it stored on your desktop. The file name will be “Screen shot yyyy-mm-dd at hh:mm:ss xM.png”.
· Hold down the Command key and the Shift key and then press the 4 key take a partial screen capture. Your mouse will change to a cross hatch which you can then drag across an arbitrary area of your screen to capture just that area. The result will be stored on your desktop using the Screen shot file name as above.
· Hold down the Control key in addition to either of the above key sequences to capture the screen into your clipboard instead of storing it on your desktop.
Apple (iOS) Devices
· Press the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time to capture the entire screen. The screen will flash and the resulting image will be saved as a photo.
Android Devices
· Press and hold the Volume Down key and the Power key for one to two seconds to capture the entire screen. The screen will flash and the resulting image will be saved as a photo. Look for a Screenshots folder in your Gallery or Photos app.
In addition to these built-in capabilities, there are a variety of apps also available. In Windows, you will find an application already installed called Snipping Tool. For other platforms, if you search for “screen capture software” or other similar phrases, you will find a variety of applications available for download.